Sunday, July 5, 2020


Procedure text sangat gampang dikenali. Biasanya diawali dengan kata “How to make…”. Misalnya, “How to speak English Fluently, “How to use cell phone” etc
nah, kali ini kita akan belajar tentang procedure text

Gambar gratis: Sarapan, Piala, minuman, makanan, gelas, teh ...

Procedure text

"A text that shows a process in order"
or Text that instructs how to do a particular activity

Purpose of Procedure Text

 To describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series

Language Feature of Procedure Text

  1.  Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal conjunction (e.g: first, second, third, the last)
  2. Use command / imperative sentence 
  3. Using adverbials 
  4. Using action verbs, e.g : make, take, boil, cook
  5. Using Simple Present Tense

Struktur teks (generic structure).
  • Goals/ aim: berisi tujuan kegiatan atau hal yang akan dilakukan atau dibuat nantinya.
  • Materials/ tools: berisi bahan-bahan dan terkadang alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat suatu barang/ melakukan suatu hal. Dalam procedure textmaterials bersifat opsional atau tidak selalu ada.
  • Steps: serangkaian langkah-langkah atau tips yang harus dilakukan
How to make a cup of tea

Materials   : 
  • A cup
  • Sugar/honey
  • Hot water
  • A  tea bag
  • Tea spoon
Steps       :
  • First, boil water.
  • Second, Put sugar/honey and tea bag into a cup
  • Then, Pour the hot water into a Cup
  • Finally, stir well.

      I hope it will be useful for us. Let's learn together. Don’t forget to visit this site if you need English reference the next day.


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