Friday, June 14, 2024



Buah rambai, also known as "Rambai fruit," is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia, particularly found in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. The scientific name of the rambai fruit is Baccaurea motleyana. Here are some key points about rambai:


Appearance: Rambai fruits are small, round, and typically yellowish when ripe. They grow in clusters, similar to grapes.

Taste: The fruit has a sweet and slightly tangy flavor, often described as a mix between grapes and lychee.

Texture: The flesh is juicy and translucent, enclosing a seed that is not typically eaten.

Nutritional Benefits

Vitamins and Minerals: Rambai is rich in vitamins such as Vitamin C and minerals like calcium and phosphorus.

Antioxidants: The fruit contains antioxidants which help in combating free radicals in the body.


Culinary: Rambai can be eaten fresh, made into jams, or used in traditional desserts and drinks.

Medicinal: In traditional medicine, various parts of the rambai plant, including the fruit, leaves, and bark, are used for their purported health benefits, such as treating digestive issues and skin problems.


Climate: Rambai thrives in tropical climates with high humidity and rainfall.

Soil: It prefers well-drained, fertile soil and is often found in lowland areas.

Cultural Significance

Rambai is a popular fruit in local markets in Southeast Asia and is often enjoyed during the fruiting season, which varies depending on the region.

Comparison with Other Fruits

Rambai is sometimes compared to langsat (Lansium parasiticum) due to their similar appearance, but they are different in taste and texture.

If you have any specific questions about rambai or need more detailed information, feel free to ask!

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